
Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Grails bad practice #1: storing domain objects in session variable

I've learnt that storing domain objects in a session variable is a bad practice. I had to refactor some code, and now everything works correctly. Where were problems when i needed to access some domain properties inside a gsp, but those were solved by passing the needed parameters, not the whole domain classes.

I had a controller and a corresponding gsp code block:

def user = session?.user
    def queue = Queue.findById(params.queueId)


        flash.message = "deleted queue with id: ${}"
        redirect(controller:'queue', action:'index')
<g:each in="${session?.user?.queues}">
        <div id="queue">
            ${} id:${}
                <div id='queueButtons'>
                    <g:hiddenField name="queueId" value="${}" /> 
                    <g:link controller='queue' action='delete' params="[queueId: "${}"]">X</g:link>
Now i dont save user in session, i save userId in session, and when needed fetch the user in controllers. On gsp where i needed the user domain to get queues, i passed session.queues that was set in a controller after a user fetch session.queues = user.queues.


  1. If you do store the user object in session you could re-attach it to the Hibernate session with one line:


    1. Hi! Thanks for your comment. Sometimes this attach could be useful, but as i understand now, the best practice would be to keep in session only the minimum required data.
