I wonder, is it possible and will there be a moment in time when we (or some other being) understands everything about our universe and is completely correct in its assumptions?
I mean physics, chemistry, math, science etc.
Or at least not a being but some information bank that has all the correct information.
Imagine the beauty of this knowledge. It amazes me how everything is connected to everything. You can drop terms like math, physics, geometry, algebra, chemistry and just say "information" or "knowledge".
And humans due to their physiological limitations surely cant hold all that information at once and understand that all. That saddens me.
We are like worms crawling on a tree. A worm will never see the tree completely, only a tiny fragment around itself. But what if worms could communicate, like internet, and they would spread evenly on all the tree and build a model of a tree in some virtual space. And they would understand that there are other trees around. And there would be worms believing that they live on a wall, despise the common knowledge. Hell, some would even say that a huge bearded worm created our tree.