I understood that i wandered off my initially set course. The idea was to make lost of games and have fun doing so. Not more that 1-2 month per game.
When there is a huge todo list of things im not excited about, like redrawing graphics, adding features that should be there, but i am not actually interested in them - it saps my motivation! And, remembering the initial plan, i've decided to publish the current game asap. I will remove all unimplemented to the end features, and publish the game to GP. I even stopped caring about not being able to get money from GooglePlay because my country is not supported by Google Checkout. Flappy Bird didnt have IAP.
This also is a result of a little motivation and goal shift after reading some books on setting goals and overthinking some of my personal goals and motivations.
I still will make games, but i will divide my dedication between fast-prototyping interesting games, not polishing them until the end, and some startup stuff. Currently it consists of learning Grails web framework (my last months research shows that its the best, and should overtake the market in the future).
GameDev is fun, but i dont see GameDev making any impact on the world, in terms of making it a better place.